I have always enjoyed the arts. From singing and musicals, to the drama and theatrics. I love all kinds of art. I enjoy the backstage part of productions. The makeup, the costumes, even the drama that follows. I have always loved drawing and creating. I enjoy painting and playing. I get excited about paper and stickers and embellishments for scrapbooking, and I so love,love,love,to go shopping. As time passes I love keeping in touch with family with hand made cards. Anything that is handmade I like to create from a simple bracelet to nicely done gift baskets. When it comes to cooking, I love this art too. I enjoy baking and creating. My husband is a amazing chocolatier, so I help by making the finished product look beautifully packaged. I could not ask the Lord for someone more perfect to share my life with. David is my match down to my weirdest quirks, like regarding the color Gummi Bears you eat first!
This blog is to keep me linked with ideas and to show myself and the world, what I can accomplish creatively with the Lords help.
God created this amazing world and for all of us to be creative in different ways or may even in the same style. God gave us the world lets use it to create, inspire, discover and love one another.