Are you ready for hurricane season? |
So in Florida just as snow birds would get ready for a blizzard, we are preparing for hurricanes. Any coastal resident should be aware of hurricanes. I always enjoy the prep of hurricanes. I know it sounds crazy! I am not by any means enjoying in the destruction that can come with a hurricane,tropical storm or a NO name storm. I just like getting ready... you know the prep making: I have my extra water, gas cans, supply of food, important documents, flashlights, emergency contacts, plywood and the list can go on. You can never be
too prepared. I see this as a time to organize, clean, see what is important and what is not. Everyday we should be prepared in spiritual way for a hurricane. This is always something I think about (around this season more than others) and some days I am prepared and others not so much. Hurricanes are for the most part something that can be tracked and you can get ready for.
Spiritual hurricanes can strike anytime, anywhere and anyone. Whether you are ready or not. We need to be ready for good old fashion hurricanes and the unforeseen ones too.