Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year and New Goals

Hello, New Year 2012 and Good-bye 2011. I did not keep my goal of posting monthly but I posted more than I did before. So what are this years goals? Keep my Lord and Savior on top of my list of things to do, Love my husband more than I do now (I will try),TO POST at least once a month, Stay focused, Join a new outreach, Keep on learning, Never give up on hope, Inspire myself, and Create many masterpieces in love. The love I have is purely  a gift I have been given from the Lord and to love is one of  Gods greatest gifts he has given. Happy New Years to all  and Enjoy the New Year with love.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Valentines Day Already

The Christmas tree is still up and New Years is just two days away. Yet I am thinking about Valentines Day! I cannot wait to think of something crafty and be able to share the time with my hubby. I love LOVE. Between Christmas, Valentines, Forth of July, and the fall; I just really enjoy these occasions and seasons. 
Have you planned for your Valentine?
Source: via Teka on Pinterest

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bee Aware

     Well we had a few minor set backs and whole lot of fun with our bees but the endeavor ended quickly. I have posted the most amazing pictures and of course our last adventure with our bees. My husband was told that if we kept the bees it may end his life. We were very distraught over this but the bees went to a family farm and are happy. We soo enjoyed the bees though. You see the bees actually have been a hobby of my grandfather since he was a young boy, catching his own wild swarm at a very young age. So when my husband decided to become a bee charmer it was just something special. My grandfather was very willing to show him the ins and the outs of bee keeping from his fearless approach to the best way to remove stingers. Bees are such a unique creature. They make their own liquid gold. Enjoy the photos, but bee careful. Bees while honey bees can be the more docile of the bee family, there are many types of bees that are not.

Using a hot knife this is releasing the capped ends  for the honey to be able to spin out.

 The Spinner, you place the above frames that have been opened and spin the top which will make the honey drain.
Just keep spinning!

 This is a job that makes teamwork helpful!
Grandpa is cutting the comb, while David spins out the honey.

The valve at the bottom drains honey into a strainer and cloth for a more purified honey.


 The bees are just hanging out too hot inside. This was right before they went to their new home

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gluten Friendly

I enjoy cooking and using all kinds of products in order to do so, I have encountered many with allergies to nuts or strawberries, even Cinnamon like my nephew. I prefer no raisins ( not a fan) but then I have new favorite.. uhh does that have gluten in it? Yes, Many things can stumble the mind, especially when cooking, and this one small ingrediant is in almost everything! I have found so many products that we add gluten to that most do not think about, from processed veggies to spagetti sauces. The more processed the most likely gluten based the product.It is frustrating, and all the special words that also mean wheat or flour can be confusing...The following terms found in food labels may mean that there is gluten in the product.

  • Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
    , unless made from soy or corn
  • Flour
     or Cereal products, unless made with pure rice flour, corn flour, potato flour or soy flour
  • Vegetable Protein
    , unless made from soy or corn
  • Malt 
    or Malt Flavoring, unless derived from corn
  • Modified Starch
     or Modified Food Starch, unless arrowroot, corn, potato, tapioca, waxy maize or maize is used
  • Vegetable Gum
    , unless made from carob bean, locust bean, cellulose, guar, gum arabic, gum aracia, gum tragacanth, xantham or vegetable starch
  • Soy Sauce
     or Soy Sauce Solids, unless you know they do not contain wheat

Also anything that says these words can also mean gluten!

  • Stabilizer
  • Starch
  • Flavoring
  • Emulsifier
  • Hydrolyzed
  • Plant Protein
Gluten is the protein part of wheat, rye, barley, and other related grains, so what do we do to help out these freinds or family members that cannot eat things with this style of allergies, find more recipes.     
I recently had my Mother and Father in law over who now are both  no longer eating gluten. Our meal did not lack in flavor or in the quality. I will give you few tips and recipes that will help if your in a bind.Obviously an important task is to really just read your labels, but the fresher the better. Our dinner included a nice piece of fish that was not treated in any way, no antibiotics no crazy extra added gluten just a nice piece of salmon.  Then you can make a nice glazing sauce with some spices and sugar along with the keen eye to make sure no hidden gluten in the mustard. With some fresh green beans and a fresh salad. An easy meal is accomplished. My main worry always tends to be the dessert. I want to make sure its nice and yet not too dry. I am giving you my Black bean Brownies recipe. I seriously thought this may have turned out badly but it was perfect and I would never have thought to try this if it was not for gluten free. So many food can be made gluten free with just a little tweak here and there, lets not let those who have this disease feel outcasted try making something with out gluten you will be surprised. Besides I have found some of my most famous recipes except for like three, are already in fact gluten free, or you serve with a diffrent a item making it fully gluten free. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Crafty Space

Top shelf storage

labeled storage
paper and inks, great to have
a space for them.

Plastic drawer system
 Every Craftier/Artist needs a space, whether it is just a place to put the items you use to create, or a room; it still is a space. My area is shared because this is also our laundry room. The space is also a walkway into our office, so it needs to stay organized for the most part. This is what my craft room should stay looking like, but most of the time my desk is overloaded with pulled out items and started projects. Never the less, this special blog on  Crafty Spaces helped give me with a reason to actually put everything away. As you can see Ikea is great at  simplifying and, with it being helpful and storage savvy, it looks amazing. I love lots of color for my craft room. It makes it easier to work on projects and be that my colors are very bright and vivid, it is fun to craft. 
A cool storage tier my
(scrubby) gave me.
-scrapbook hubby-
     Make sure to label all boxes and storage containers, it can be a pain if not labeled or maybe some detailed info, I know. If you can see under my desk I have a plastic box that I hold all of my 12x12 paper in, I then use cardboard and labels to separate into themes.( Very Helpful) 
I also use my Tool turn a bout from Pampered Chef, as a great tool holder on my desk. Having little jars and plastic containers can be a pain but if you can label and stack or organize they are a lifesaver. Another big thing I use are rubber-maid plastic containers with drawers, these help with separating my ideas and styles of projects. I use drawers for stickers, stamps, my sewing items, and so on. I also would be lost without my dry erase board and calendar that are easily accessible. I love my space, I only wish I could keep it this clean all the time.Every Crafty needs a space and even if it is in a drawer or closet or room, organized only helps encourage the arts to flow more freely.
Paper holder on wheels,
easily slides under desk
Desk storage

What does your crafty space look like, maybe a suggestion to improve my crafty space? Let me know, leave a comment. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

     I got up early, made coffee and started watching the all day event of Prince William marrying his bride Kate. Now both Duke and Duchess are married and what a royal wedding was indeed. As it is very  beautiful wedding and wonderful site, I was thinking of all the people who try to make there weddings look as though they are the prince and princess and this wedding helps show you the proper way. I will remember this wedding and most likely follow up as my mother was in love with the late Princess Diana. I now my own Princess to watch. By the way the wedding was very nice and in my eyes everyone dressed for the occasion, and I thought the whole thing was beautiful.
Hugo Burnand/Clarence House/AP Photo 04/29/2001

Friday, April 15, 2011


     So I hit this bug and its called Coupons! I had this misconception that you spend more using coupons then if you don't, because when I would cut out coupons and use them I bought things I would not normally buy because I had a coupon. "WRONG." My friends have been talking about the new show Extreme Couponing, and I glanced over an episode that this woman dresses up to make herself feel confident and then bought 82 bottle of mustard, which they do not even use. ???(WHAT) I could not understand the why or how this worked. 
   Now I am not a genius with math and it still had me boggled, how does this make sense and why. So I started calculating in my own process. If an item costs 75 cents and I have a coupon for 50 cents off, that makes it still a quarter you pay for each item, but if I had another coupon for the same item that said 2 for a dollar. This means the items are both free. Now if you happen to live in a state that double or even triple the worth of a coupon, those items and coupons would actually make you a credit of 1-2 dollars after the cost of the mustard!!! Leaving you to keep shopping and not spending money. OK now I get this crazy idea and now I am thinking more about the savings I could make in my own life with out be a crazy nut job like some of the people on that EXTREME show. 
   Since the show, I have had an eye out for coupon shoppers and realized many do use coupons, I was out late one night picking up a few things for my husband, for a business trip, and watched a woman go through the line about seven times. Each order was meticulous and each order was coupon-ed out. The total for 7 transaction were less then 7 bucks and her cart had tons of stuff in it, plus she received a coupon on the back of every receipt she was given. This woman had me in awe because right there showed dedication and I now want to be able to save my family money on buying things that we use not buy an excessiveness amount that we do not need! As this woman in front of me check out, I thought she made a plan and stuck to it nothing in her cart seemed weird or abnormal. Band aids, Splenda, toilet paper, flour, among other things. I did not even know that Walgreen's sold really food items, and then the sale price plus manufacture coupons it was amazing!

All in all, I will be couponing and you will see more on this soon!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


So everyone has those food scraps when cooking, I know I do, and if you set up a good system it can save you money and have a lasting effect in your garden.When I say scraps I mean like egg shells,onion peels,potato eyes,banana peels basically any extras.(no meat or bones) Everyone who has bought strawberries or grapes from the grocery knows that those few grapes or blueberries that are not edible.
Here is the plan:
1. Set up a small garbage can-small or big depending on what you feel your trash output would be.
I use a small closed top lid and reuse the plastic bags that I occasionally get form the grocery store when I forget my reusable's. then that is it.
2. Fill -when full take outside sprinkle under plants or in a com-poster you may have outside. The garden will thank you and you will get a better harvest for giving your plants those extra scraps.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sewing Scraps

     The idea of throwing things away that cost so much  is  just sickening sometimes. I have found a great way to use those little piece you cut off around a square or while cut out projects into something you can use around your other crafting projects. I find that I always have to cut a  little piece around my squares once sown. I also find that I just normally throw away, but sometimes I am in love with fabric, so I want to use for other things. I decided to start saving them and then needed to purge my art room. I took all my little scraps and found coordinating pieces and started using for tag holders to gifts. You can use them together and form a braid with three pieces and use as an embellishment on cards I also can use them to tie important letters or little projects in tightly bundled packages and set aside. You can use these scraps to close the top of a present or around a vase. Have fun with it.Use your scraps to the fullest and feel better about that special fabric purchase.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Project Scraps

On the topic of scraps, I also make  a mean scrap soup. I love to make soup when cleaning out the fridge and pantry its easy and always an adventure. Normally I always start with a few basics. Some meat, I generally will use a ground turkey, beef or sliced sausage. something I have left over in my freezer even a turkey carcus or chicken. I try to find that last onion and pepper in the fridge. I cook up the meat, onion pepper and add whatever spices. I brown til nice and golden. I then add my chicken or beef stock that will be my base for the soup. Here comes my favorite part. I always have somewhere a leftover extra veggie in the fridge, green beans, carrots or some leftover spinach. Into the pot it goes. I add potatoes last bits of frozen veggie bags from freezer into the soup. I like to use up the last bits before opening the new bags that are in the freezer. I tend to add crushed pepper flakes, garlic and white pepper to my soup. I like a nice zip to my soup. I then let it cook down a bit and add some homemade noodles or some small pasta either stars or orazo. It will make the soup more of a stew by soaking up flavor and helps thicken the soup. Once I feel its done I try to ladle my soup into my soup mugs and place in the oven. Depending on what I have, I will  either add a slice of cheese to the top or a piece of bread that has been buttered and seasoned. I let it brown  or melt and serve. its rustic and comforting. Scrap Soup, make it while cleaning too! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Technique of Serendipity Squares (Scrap Squares)

I have been trying to understand this techniques and deciding what is actually the correct way of making serendipity squares. I have come up with this... The correct way is your way! I like to try and find papers and scraps that kind of tie into each other but really they do not have too. You can use these papers as backgrounds and fronts of cards an embellishment or even as covers for books.  The basic process below.

First step is to grab you nicely organized box of scraps and a glue of your choice. I prefer a thick glue stick that will glue anything to paper. It needs to stick all kinds of paper to one sheet.  Cut your pieces of scraps if you need too but the first round is basically rounding up your inner kinder-gardener and just glue to page.
 I like to glue those unwanted little strips and little piece and glue to a coordinating background or any background.

After I decide what color embossing powder will go well with  the paper. I choose a clear embossing powder so you can see the color below and I can then inck around it.

I then added some glimmer mist...

I then cut my work of art into inch squares.

I then attach to a plain piece of cardstock.

I redo this process as little as once to how ever  many levels you ant on a piece of paper.

I love this new found scrapping transition.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This month is scrap month, The majority of posts will be on all kinds of scraps.I love using a multitude of papers for many projects, at first I would throw away my scraps taht were small and would not be very useful I then found you can do so much with your scraps of paper. I am learning though if I saved every scrap, I would be in so much "scrap," I would not be able to move. I have worked out a pretty good system for me but others may have choose a system that works better style for their needs. As long as you contain the chaos of your scrap paper you will be doing very good. Here are some ways to do this.
Have a container that you are comfortable with in size and start placing scraps that will fit the container and that will not be so overfilled you can can move them. You may need a couple scrap containers and you can organize scraps by size and or color or projects.

A stack for serendipity projects, or for strictly cards making, maybe a manila envelope of scrap papers a good for beeswax art. The possibilities are endless. I try to keep my scrap together, but if you find you just have too much and do not want to just through it away, Join art supply swaps. I love them. I can give away scraps that I just have too much of or have no interest in anymore and pass them to someone who may find a great idea with them, in return you could trade for something you need or have wanted to try.
 Another great way to spread around old scraps that you do not want or need, if you have a scrapping group just make nice grouping of your scraps maybe by colors and or designs wrap it with an old ribbon or some twine, viola a scrappers dream. I enjoy scrapbooking and IO also know if you do not leave room to expand your scraps you can get stuck, so purge, rejuvenate and have fun with it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Keeping up the Pace Its February!

Well, almost through February... I cannot believe it. The days are passing by quickly and this is my first post for the month! I better start cracking. March is David's birthday so I have some things to get done. I also have to keep up in my new found ATC hobby. My seeds for pre-garden are doing well, I will have to post pictures and of course we have our new Boxer puppies running around. This month has been a little crazy! Don't worry I will post soon!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baby Showers

     I love making diaper cakes for baby showers! They are useful and fun, and always beautiful at a party! This is the first boy diaper cake I have made and it came out awesome. The concept is simple you are giving diapers to the mother-to-be, but I also attach items for her and the baby on the way. Items you can are attach are really endless. Some of the things I put on the cake are as followed: baby wash, lotion, bib, powder, Vicks, hairbrush, comb, bulb syringe, socks for baby and mama, some special lotion for mom, and the list goes on. Make sure to Pick out things that will be useful and also helpful for both mom and baby. You can even make this  as a welcome home gift too! 

     An important thing for me is picking out the colorful ribbons. This the fun part and I don't ever use all the ribbon so I can use them for other projects! If you want to know how to make one of these awesome cakes, email mail me and I will send you some quick and easy directions.

With some extra ribbons, I made little buttons for The Mom,Grandma, Nana, and Big Sister-to-be...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

French Toast
      French Toast is one of my husbands favorite breakfast foods. I think it is because it resemble cake so much!( he loves all cake) I find this to be an easy breakfast food because you only need a couple eggs,some milk and with some spices, Viola, French toast!. I think that having  homemade bread can make a nice treat with this classic because you can have a thicker cut and more of a denseness. My husband is our bread maker, even though I try really hard my bread is more the consistency of a cornbread. (which I can make very well) I use a actual bread-maker and still it is not as great as David's! So David makes bread occasionally. This past weekend happened to be one of those times. God, seriously picked the perfect complimentary person to myself and that is so wonderful The recipe is below for the French Toast, not the bread.... 

Recipe for French Toast
    Well the bread was made the night before but it was great in the morning to use. I cut into 1" inch thick slices and set aside.
I then make the French Toast mixture 
This consists of two eggs, a little milk, some nutmeg,cinnamon, and a dash of vanilla. 
  1. I beat until all mixed together. place the mixture in a shallow bowl. 
  2. I turn on my skillet and turn on medium heat until nice and hot.
  3. I then dip my first few pieces of bread that was set aside in the bowl. I like to let them set in the bowl for a minute so it soaks in a lot of the mixure. It makes them really tasty after cooked. 
  4. I place the pieces in the skillet and let brown on one side until golden, then flip. 
  5. When both sides are done plate and enjoy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Greeting Cards.

These are Christmas Cards we made at our party in 2010
     I love cards! I love receiving them and sending them. I love the feeling of going to mail box and getting an unexpected card. I also love that people take the time to make cards. One thing that I enjoy doing is getting together and having card parties.

The idea is pretty simple.

I loved this stamp!
  1. Everyone in your group can pick a season, theme or holiday, as long as everyone has a different one. -- -Depending on the specifics you can make as many as your group decides. (so the example we will use is twelve) 
  2. My example is sympathy cards. I will make 12 sympathy cards they can be different but all sympathy. 
  3. Say there are three people in your group including yourself, someone would get 4 sympathy cards. You would also get 4 of your sympathy cards. You will get 12 cards total in return. 
  4. So leaving you would have 4 sympathy,4 birthday(example) and 4 valentines(example). The more people the more themes/holidays.

This card can be changed with
 different paper and
made for  birthdays,weddings and
even christmas!

Speaking of receiving cards in the mail. I received my first ever Artist Trading Cards in the mail today, Thank you dmnh, from AFA.

I just love getting mail!